Saturday, November 17, 2007

Fred Thompson Update!

Ol' Pruneface has a blog.

If you wanna make those terrorists die
And make Osama cry
It’s not too late
To get behind Fred in ‘08

If you want to keep the boarders secure
And the races pure
If its Mexicans you hate
Throw your support behind Fred ‘o8.

If you don’t trust the Mor-man
And about keeping your guns you give a damn
If a woman’s place is in the kitchen cleaning a plate
Then you want to vote for Fred in ‘08


B-Licious said...
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B-Licious said...

That was almost as good as the poem you wrote decrying the British and celebrating the American Revolution.

Thanksgiving is a sad time for me because I remember when we were one people - except for the injuns - united under another lunatic king named George.