Sunday, May 18, 2008

Awesome Blog. Highly Recommended.

Things Younger Than John McCain.

Old Man Huggies is suprisingly older than a lot of things we consider really, really old.

More importantly, the author of the blog echoes my sentiments exactly:
Before the blog launched, I thought long and hard to see if I could come up with reasons how gender or race could negatively impact on someone’s ability to do an effective job as President… and I couldn’t come up with a single one. But I was able to come up with reasons why age - at least, potentially - could be a factor:

Memory loss
Decreased stamina
Greater susceptibilty to illness
Possible lack of ability to relate to the issues and concerns of the vast majority of younger Americans
And, of course, the increased likelihood of dying in office… throwing the country into temporary turmoil and placing a greater importance of the role of Vice President

Furthermore, I got to thinking how the framers of the Constitution saw fit to attach an age minimum of 35 to the office of the President. Presumably, they felt that people younger than 35 lacked the skills necessary to be able to run the country. While I’m certainly not suggesting that we have a Constitutional amendment creating an age maximum, it does tell me that my line of thinking (namely, that age does matter) is clearly not without precedent.

Now, does all this mean that John McCain would AUTOMATICALLY be a bad President JUST because he’s 72? Of course not (he’d be a bad President for a whole host of other reasons!), but I am saying that it’s reasonable to make the subject of his age - and all that it entails - part of a dialogue about his qualifications… and that we shouldn’t run from the topic because it has an “ism” attached to it.

Welcome to the battle!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the write-up on my blog