Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Elderly Fisticuffs

The elderly punch police officers in the face. Repeatedly:
Officer William Perazzo, 38, who is assigned to the Brooklyn South canine unit, said he was walking with his mom and dad when a van driven by George Karavitis, 63, of Staten Island, mounted the curb.
He said Karavitis got out and for some reason began hitting him, even though he identified himself as a cop.
"I don't give a f- - - who you are," the older man said, continuing to punch, the sources said.

This story brought to you courtesy of fellow hoodlum New Yark Mark*, who just wrapped up some book larnin' and is pounding the Scotch.**

* Not his real name or nickname. I just made that up.
** The drink. New Yark Mark is not going around beating up dudes in kilts.


Grace Nearing said...

New Yark Mark is not going around beating up dudes in kilts.

Why not?

(Although it does seems like a wise choice not to.)

Frankie Machine said...

You've seen Braveheart? Those Scotch put up quite a fight.