Monday, April 17, 2006

See, I didn't run away!

Blogging took a break over the weekend to honor the resurrection of the Big JC.

So, here we go.

Unfunny Comic Strip of the Day

U of C alum from a parent's perspective:
the bell hardly rings and she calls again, is she crying, or is that laughing? "They want me mom! They want ME!" "Anna Rae, WHO wants you?" I ask in confusion. "The University of Chicago! This is SO worth it! So worth all the hard work of keeping my grades up!" and she's laughing victoriously.
Check back in with her in February.

Something has got to be done about this. The elderly continue to shoot teenagers in the back.
the man went out to the street with a handgun and fired at least one shot, striking the teen in the back as he tried to run.

This story is terrifyingly similar to this story. Elderly person argues with a teenager, and shoots him in the back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My theory is that as people age, their brains enter a "Wild West" stage.

Besides, teenagers and old people? That's a terrible mix. Both groups have no sense of direction (figurative and literal, relatively speaking), are easily confused, and are violent and irresponsible.