Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wasilla, the Crawford, Texas of the North

A video tour of where Sarah Palin was mayor.


Anonymous said...

Golly ... it sure looks like Small-Town America. Perhaps Palin will resonate with rural voters more than some would predict.

Frankie Machine said...

Did you not watch the whole thing? I think you missed the part where the narrator describes being chased away from the athletic center for trying to take a picture of it.
That's rural America? Where you get chased and physically intimidated for trying to use a camera? These are the people you stand by?
Dude, I say let Alaska secede. And appoint Sarah Palin empress.

Mark said...

Plus, there's an International House of Pancakes there. I guess they're too 'elite' and 'international' for a good ole American House of Pancakes.