Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Old People whine about EVERYTHING!

I recently discovered the AARP message boards.
I highly recommend you pay a visit, if you have a strong tolerance for whining about uncaring family.
One old codger wrote in:
I have read on here that grown adult children don't talk to their parents, won't allow them to see their grandchildren and all.
What is going on? I have never seen so much of this happening.
My one son stopped talking. Writes an occasional note. Got upset when his girlfriend e-mailed us. He broke into her e-mail reading her mail for heaven's sake.
He acts like he is better than everyone, talks down to his family, does call his other family members.
How do you handle something like this if you have and what to do?
I honestly can not believe that after years and years and years of happy times he choose this.


That got the entire set of the movie Cocoon talking. Some highlights:
My parents raised 8 in the same house, same income, same food, same town, same church, same school, same etc. and one does not mix - what so ever - with the rest of we 7. I say more Gumbo for us.
Jesus had 12 desiciples but Judas wanted to go his own way.

And this:
Our parents went through the depression, we had little and appreciated much but this gneration are spoiled, have been bailed out over and over and have an attitude problem.

And hallelujah, do they give way too much information:
Yeah it seem to be this generation. They want to have contoll. This is what psychologists and sociologists call the "me" generatin. Me Me Me Me Me. Look at me and allthe material things we have. There is no more need for the extended family. It is nowonly the nueclear family that is important. As many of you have stated, "we would not have treated our parents like this no mater how bad they were to us. My parents beat us with belts, cussed and swore at us, called us names.

Like I said, for comic gold, this site can't be beat.


B-Licious said...

For old codgers who have spent a lot of time on this earth and should know fundamental spelling and grammar, these AARP whiners are weak. As for the first one, we are better than you. For the third comment - I went through the Great Depression, too. Weren't no big thang, pops.

Frankie Machine said...

The one who wrote about Jesus really angered me. Maybe the distant sibling has depression, or is just quiet, or just wants some space from his seven brothers and sisters. And his own family, rather than trying to understand him, compares him to the guy who turned Jesus over to be killed. That's just sweet, Gramps.