Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another old person enters the shrine

The shrine of "So Batshit Crazy You Lose All Sense of Time and Space."
James "Badass Motherf***er" Dobson.

Check out the man's rapsheet. Some choice quotes:
Consequently, Dobson writes, he learned at an early age to stay out of striking distance when he back-talked to his mother. One day he made the mistake of mouthing off when she was only four feet away and heard a 16-pound girdle whistling through the air. "The intended blow caught me across the chest, followed by a multitude of straps and buckles wrapping themselves around my midsection."
What the hell is it with batshit crazy old people having fond memories of child abuse?

A fifth member of the household, a stubborn little dachshund named Sigmund Freud, added to the chaos. When “Siggie” refused to go to bed one night, Dobson got out a belt and whacked him. The dog bared its teeth and Dobson gave it a second whack. “What developed next is impossible to describe,” writes Dobson in The New Strong-Willed Child. “That tiny dog and I had the most vicious fight ever staged between man and beast. I fought him up one wall and down the other, with both of us scratching and clawing and growling. I am still embarrassed by the memory of the entire scene.”
Anybody who takes a belt to a dog is going to hell as far as I'm concerned.


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