Monday, September 18, 2006

Why haven't I thought of this sooner?

Batshit crazy old person of the day.

To all those of other faiths who have been offended by what this codger says, I can only give you advice based on my 13 years of Catholic school:
Ignore what the Pope, any Pope, says. Most Catholics do. The sooner you come to grips with the fact that he's just this side of senile, the better off you will be. I came to this conclusion when I was 12 years old.

He's not trying to start a crusade or attack Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He's just a guy who has spent his entire life surrounded by Catholics, doing nothing but going to Church every day, and people keep putting a microphone in front of him. It's almost not his fault. He gets so swept up in the moment and doesn't understand that the world has changed. We didn't get to pick him, or have any say in his decisions or what he says. The best we can hope for is that he might fall asleep during Easter service or something.

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