Saturday, July 08, 2006

Word from Home.

City can't lose festivals

In the future, I see Calder Plaza being a ghost town where it used to be a lively atmosphere on summer weekends for various festivals ("City fees may kill Polish fest," Press, June 28).

I am getting disturbed by The Press articles regarding the costs/fees to hold the many festivals at Calder Plaza in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids. Besides costs, now they (the politicians) are going to allow some organizers to charge admission fees to help cover the costs.
Grand Rapids

So, to recap. The leaders of a city run by The Dutch are being cheap about the cost of putting on festivals. Further, they intend to inflict their damn Hollander cheapness on the Polish.

I quote a joke I heard in third grade:
Q. How do you take a Dutch census count?
A. Roll a quarter down the street.


B-Licious said...

I am also appalled. I was aghast when I had to pay to go to the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. Grand Rapids should be paying me to visit. I hear that bicycle gangs roam the streets there, hassling poor shopkeepers.

Frankie Machine said...

Grand Rapids should be paying me to visit.
Good luck trying to collect. I'm still trying to get them to pay damages for the 18 years I lived there.