Saturday, February 11, 2006

Can you spot the nonsequitur?

Another batshit crazy old person writes in to everyone's favorite hometown paper. Why do they keep publishing these letters? If anybody under the age of "ancient" wrote a letter to the editor making this much sense, it would get laughed at, then shredded.

Attacks on Bush

Since the day George Bush won reelection the "other side" has kept up a constant barrage of vicious attacks, which include the screamers, Al Gore and Howard Dean. He is consistently called a liar, though he is not! John McCain says those who call our president a liar, are the real liars.

They tried to get Vice President Cheney and Karl Rove removed, and recently the Supreme Court Justice Alito. Hillary Clinton said, "I say Republicans run the House like a plantation. . ." The list goes on. The war argument goes on, but those who think it was wrong should tell that to the millions of Iraqi people who streamed to the voting places, and are rejoicing that the 30-year reign of terror under the brutal dictator is over. I was in high school during the four years of World War II.

After Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt declared war on Japan, and joined the war in Germany to rid the world of Adolph Hitler. More than 400,000 American service men lost their lives in that long conflict. But all Americans stood behind him.

In this war, the Bush haters must make the terrorists think what they are doing is OK if so many Americans hate their own president. These include a good share of Democrats, Hollywood, Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and Harry Belafonte. We all mourn the loss of every soldier killed, but remember.

As adults, they joined the service because they wanted to, knowing what could lie ahead. Now, why do people who reject war, still fight for a woman's "right to choose"? Since when is it anyone's right to kill another human being? The "left" is helping them. In the end, it's all political, and can be summed up in just two words. Bush won!


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