Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Glimpse Into The Future

I'm going to be away from the crackhouse all day tomorrow, so I'm posting this one in advance.

Unfunny Comic Strip of the Day

"Impoverished" U of C alum of the Day
"Carroll says he would have received $2,000 to speak at the conference, a similar sum if he published his talk in their anthology, and a chance at a $10,000 prize for scientists under 40. For an impoverished academic trying to scrape by, that's alluring. Says Carroll: "That's money I could have used to, say, buy a car!" "

More on the elderly rampage in Japan.
"In most cases, the strangling or stabbing was by a husband or wife who had found that after more than 50 years of marriage they could no longer stand their spouse."

I leave you these words from batshit crazy (but alliterative) Paul Harvey:
"Without advertising in this country, my goodness, we'd still be in this country what Russia mostly still is: a nation of bearded bicyclists with b.o."

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