Thursday, February 09, 2006

I now fully understand...

that "Everyone's Working for the Weekend" song.

Unfunny Comic Strip of the Day.
I didn't realize Li'l Orphan Annie was drawn by a proto-neo-con (ya like that one?). Now my mind's really working. Harold Gray hated FDR. The movie version came out in 1982, when Reagan was going about dismantling the New Deal...well, if I were in a film class, I'd care. Discuss. Odd juxtapositions of old works being brought into different contexts are always interesting. See the ending of The Natural.

You're still reading this?

"quasi-Marxist, quasi-fascist " U of C Alum of the Day

The word about the elderly menace continues to spread. Welcome, Aussies!
" "Boomers are particularly skilled at whining and slutting their way into society's spotlight," writes 25-year-old Heath, "but the unalienable truth is that history doesn't end with them." Australia is an "old person's paradise," he says, an "Adelaide writ large." No-one is safe from insult. "

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