Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I still hate Minneapolis.

Stupid Letter to the Editor
How terrifying it must have been for the Chanhassen family that was held at gunpoint and robbed by a home intruder last week.
Let us all dish up a good plate of Minnesota Nice and flood this family with warm wishes and countless prayers to help alleviate their trauma and newfound bad impressions of our community.

Um, let's not. As someone who also has trauma and bad impressions of your community, I can say the LAST thing the family needs is "Minnesota Nice." As I've said before, Minnesota Nice is the problem. Warm wishes and countless prayers sound good, but they don't do squat. How about spending more money on police and less on football stadiums? Oh, that's right. You love your precious Vikings more than your neighbor's safety.

As for that plate of Minnesota Nice? Keep passing it. The smell alone makes me nauseous.


Chance said...

Frickin' sanctimonious Minnesotans. My ex wasn't so frickin' Minnesota Nice.

Frankie Machine said...

My ex wasn't so frickin' Minnesota Nice.

She probably was, though, if you define "Minnesota Nice" as "passive agressive" and "unbelievably rude."