Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Beer would be good about now.

Truly Unfunny Comic Strip of the Day

"Lost" U of C alum of the day
"It's also germane to mention that the University of Chicago Alumni Association has, in frustration and regret, labeled the classes of 1964-74 the "Lost Classes." These alums are embittered and alienated from their alma mater now -- thirty to forty years later -- because of unprincipled repressive acts committed by the U of C in those days, including political firings and mass expulsions, closely related to what you are now threatening."

The elderly deal "ice."
"KALIHI (KHNL) -- An elderly couple is accused of dealing ice in Kalihi. Honolulu police arrested the pair during a drug bust Tuesday morning."

I guess in such a warm climate, people must really want ice. I hear it's really easy to make if you have water and a freezer.

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