Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No need to worry

Unfunny Comic Strip of the Day

Unhinged U of C alum of the Day.William H. Calhoun.
Brownback allegedly has ties with Opus Dei, which has been called “conservative,” but really is not. It is comprised of third-world radicals intent on invading the first world, and Brownback has apparently been swayed by their rhetoric. These globalists and their anti-Kirkian ideology resemble Marxists more than traditional conservatives. Unlike traditional secret societies in Europe that emphasize European Blood and Soil or European Kith and Kin, Opus Dei is a rag-tag band of third-world parasites intent on taking over America.
When someone starts talking about parasites invading, I worry. Deeply.

The elderly are on the loose.
Elderly flasher strikes again

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